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Special SG Steffl - DV 08897-21-297 - Neto Rembrandt Kittel

This item has been viewed 732 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

Higher bidder:

taveirovski (0)

Auction type :

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
bruno cocas10-04-2021, 21:41:32 175,00 €
taveirovski10-04-2021, 21:38:32 170,00 €
bruno cocas10-04-2021, 21:37:26 155,00 €
taveirovski10-04-2021, 21:36:26 150,00 €
bruno cocas10-04-2021, 21:32:35 145,00 €
taveirovski10-04-2021, 21:28:58 140,00 €
bruno cocas10-04-2021, 21:19:22 135,00 €
taveirovski10-03-2021, 01:04:13 130,00 €
Item description

SG Steffl é um dos columbófilos alemães mais conhecidos além-fronteiras.
Os seus pombos, entraram em Portugal na primeira década deste século e estão na base de muitas colónias nacionais.

Todos os anos, ele escolhe um lote especial de borrachos para leilão no TPP e este lote não foge à regra. São 9 borrachos de excelente qualidade.
o sexo não é garantido.

Estude bem os pedigrees porque são de grande qualidade, tal como os pombos que apesar de jovens, são acima da média em mão.

Os pombos já estão em Portugal e, por isso, não existirão custos extra com o transporte internacional.

Escolha bem!


SG Steffl is one of the most famous german fancier.
His pigeons have entered in Portugal in the first decade of the century and were the foundation of many national lofts.

Every year, he choose a special batch of pigeons for auctioning in TPP. This batch is another top one with extra quality.

Have a close look in the pedigrees and be sure that these are extra pigeons. All pigeons are more than average in hands.

The pigeons are already in Portugal but can be sent to other countries.

Choose well!

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Transferência Bancária / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail charge

Auction started: Sep. 27 2021, 14:44

Auction ended: Oct. 04 2021, 21:28

Auction ID: 01486efa23376124c634a6714cf67f36

Item category : SPECIAL

Post a question for Seller

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
taveirovski 400,00 10-04-2021, 22:23:42no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 325,00 10-04-2021, 22:21:42no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 320,00 10-04-2021, 22:20:55no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 305,00 10-04-2021, 22:17:02no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 300,00 10-04-2021, 22:16:24no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 295,00 10-04-2021, 22:14:22no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 290,00 10-04-2021, 22:10:18no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 275,00 10-04-2021, 22:08:51no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 270,00 10-04-2021, 22:05:28no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 255,00 10-04-2021, 22:04:26no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 250,00 10-04-2021, 22:01:01no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 245,00 10-04-2021, 21:57:50no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 240,00 10-04-2021, 21:56:37no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 225,00 10-04-2021, 21:55:06no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 220,00 10-04-2021, 21:53:49no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 205,00 10-04-2021, 21:52:25no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 200,00 10-04-2021, 21:51:29no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 190,00 10-04-2021, 21:47:04no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 185,00 10-04-2021, 21:45:19no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 175,00 10-04-2021, 21:41:32no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 170,00 10-04-2021, 21:38:32no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 155,00 10-04-2021, 21:37:26no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 150,00 10-04-2021, 21:36:26no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 145,00 10-04-2021, 21:32:35no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 140,00 10-04-2021, 21:28:58no85.246.122.125
bruno cocas 135,00 10-04-2021, 21:19:22no85.240.53.54
taveirovski 130,00 10-03-2021, 01:04:13no85.246.122.125