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Special WINGS to FLY - DV 03395-20-252 - F

This item has been viewed 805 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

Higher bidder:

pestana (0)

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
pestana06-27-2022, 14:47:57 80,00 €
FF 202106-27-2022, 10:05:14 75,00 €
pestana06-26-2022, 14:25:05 70,00 €
Joaof123406-25-2022, 22:08:31 65,00 €
ECC195006-24-2022, 23:16:07 60,00 €
Item description

Leia bem os pedigrees, escolha o seu pombo e tenha a certeza que em mãos são acima da média.


Uwe Wollitzer é um columbófilo alemão que começa a ser bastante conhecido em Portugal pelos resultados dos descendentes dos pombos que já leiloou no nosso país, pela altura em que deixou de concursar na Alemanha, dois ou três anos atrás. Nessa altura, o TPP fez uma venda de quase uma centena de pombos voadores e reprodutores.

Desses pombos, já voam em Portugal muitos cracks.


Uwe Wollitzer não se desfez dos pombos e ficou com alguns casais reprodutores e dedicou-se aos derbies, com o nome “WINGS to FLY”. Depressa, conseguiu grandes resultados. Em Portugal, destacam-se um 2º Lugar em 2019 e 1º em 2020, no Moledo Atlantic Coast.

Agora, na nossa recente viagem à Alemanha, trouxemos mais alguns pombos  seleccionados, todos com nota positiva e alta.

Entretanto, criou uma equipa com a sua filha Tamara e nos dois últimos anos tem voado só na categoria “Borrachos” e com resultados muitíssimo bons!

Abaixo, escrito pelo próprio, um resumo do que ganhou nos dois últimos anos.

Os pombos estão já em Portugal


Uwe + Tamara Wollitzer form the successful one loft racing team Wings to Fly.
Tamara has been flying youngsters in Germany since 2020. Right from the start she had top successes which speaks for the quality of the Wollitzer pigeons.
Here are the successes of Tamara with youngsters from the years 2020 and 2021:

2021 travel performance 48.18%

08/14/2021 Saverne 69 sentt, 30th prizes 43.48% 41,43,44,47,50,53,55,56,67,59

08/21/2021 Sarebourg 70 sent, 34th prizes 48.57% 21,40,41,42,43,44a,44b,47,55,82a,82b

04.09.2021 Toul 67 sent, 36th prizes 53.73% 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,16,17,30,41,42,44,48,52,65,66,68,76,93

09/12/2021 Arcis sur Aube 49 sent, 23rd prizes 46.94%

 2020 travel performance 48.18%

08/03/2020 Saverne 52 sent, 24th prizes 46.15% 1,2,3,4,5a,5b,7,26,28,33,80,97,98.KK
08/15/2020 Sarrebourg 51 seeded, 30 prizes 58.82% 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,25,27a,27b,29,30,71,77,85,87,89,93,96,99.KK
08/23/2020 Luneville 44 sent, 16 prizes 36.36% 8,13,16,17,18,19,63,72.
08/29/2020 Toul 42 sent, 26th prizes 61.90% 56,70,71,73,75,77,79,86,91,93.KK
06.09.2020 Saint Dizier 37 sent, 17 prizes 45.95% 13,14,30,68,71.KK
09/12/2020 Arcis sur Aube 30 sent, 12th prices 40% 21,21b,23,49,42,85.KK

2nd RV Young Flight Championship
1+3 best youngsters of the RV
6th Reg - Association Young Flight Championship
5th Reg - Young Flight Championship internal

But of course Tamara and Uwe were successful again with their One loft race pigeons
Here is a small excert of the successes on OLR 2020/2021 FCI World Championship Tamara Wollitzer
Winner of the bronze medal for Germany !!!

3. As Pigeon Derby Istanbul Turkey
6.As Pigeon Milan Best Italy
9.As Pigeon SPEED Costa del Sol Spain
9. As Pigeon Derby Superstar
14.As Pigeon Overall Costa del Sol Spain
19.As Pigeon Overall Costa del Sol Spain
1.th pigeon 236km Derby Istanbul Turkey
10th Pigeon 160km Milan Best Italy
3.th Pigeon 199 km Milan Best Italy
13.th Pigeon 314 km Milan Best Italy
27th Pigeon 408km Milan Best Italy
11th Pigeon Derby Superstar 219 km
12th pigeon Final Derby Superstar 420 km
11th pigeon Final Derby Bukovina 630 km
14th pigeon Romania Golden 120 km
15th pigeon Romania Golden 172 km
4.th pigeon Columbodrome Fauna Orheiului 150km
4th pigeon Final Derby Corabia 530km
8,9,47.th Costa del Sol winter 75 km
5, 6, 7, 15, 18, 51, 53.th Costa del Sol Winter 133 km
14, 39, 61, 87, 89, 92.th Costa del Sol Winter 195 km
25, 41.th Costa del Sol Winter 242 km
28, 48, 71.th Costa del Sol Winter 133 km

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Transferência Bancária / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail charge

Auction started: Jun. 23 2022, 23:00

Auction ended: Jun. 30 2022, 20:37

Auction ID: 0a87a6a60314ee20779126ba76d3d232

Item category : SPECIAL

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
pestana 80,00 06-27-2022, 14:47:57no193.236.78.128
FF 2021 75,00 06-27-2022, 10:05:14no87.196.72.138
pestana 70,00 06-26-2022, 14:25:05no85.247.115.89
Joaof1234 65,00 06-25-2022, 22:08:31no87.103.60.23
ECC1950 60,00 06-24-2022, 23:16:07no82.154.224.169