Item description
LEILÃO DE NÃO VENDIDOS – PARTE II / NON SOLD – PART II Já a trabalhar na nova edição, agora com novo nome face à evolução do projecto (Moledo Premium OLR) Moledo Pigeons Races coloca em leilão um lote de pombos de grande valor, pois chegaram ao fim de uma jornada que os levou a fazer milhares de Kms, contra muitas adversidades, especialmente meteorológicas e geográficas. Tome atenção aos prémios que marcaram e escolha bem! Adquirir um Yearling de Moledo será, com certeza, uma aposta certa!
Already thinking on the next edition, now with a new name and face (Moledo Premium OLR), Moledo Pigeons Races is putting now in auction a batch of pigeons that are surely top quality ones cause they came to an end of an huge journey, doing thousands of kms and over passing many dificulties , especially meteorological and geographic ones. Pay attention to the prizes won by each pigeon and choose well! Bidding on a Moledo Yearling will surely be the right bet!
Portugal (00000)
Shipping conditions:
Buyers pays shipping expenses
, Will ship internationally
Payment methods:
Cheque / Cheque,Transferência Bancária / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail charge
Auction started:
Oct. 10 2024, 22:00
Auction ended:
Oct. 17 2024, 20:37
Auction ID:
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