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MYC 20 - DV 05473-19-432 - MARTIN HETZEL - # 117 Final

This item has been viewed 742 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
MAESTRO08-08-2020, 21:24:46 120,00 €
Napiorkowski08-08-2020, 21:23:45 105,00 €
MAESTRO08-07-2020, 22:17:04 100,00 €
JFrancisco08-07-2020, 18:47:15 80,00 €
MAESTRO08-06-2020, 22:58:13 75,00 €
JFrancisco08-06-2020, 22:17:38 55,00 €
MARIO PINTO08-04-2020, 14:00:49 50,00 €
Item description

A praticamente duas semanas de começar a receber pombos para a edição de 2021, podemos, categoricamente, afirmar que o Moledo Yearlings Championship tem já um lugar especial no panorama internacional, pois as adversidades meteorológicas e geográficas que estes jovens pombos têm de ultrapassar, rotulam-nos de pombos com uma qualidade acima da média.
Fizeram milhares de Kms, estiveram em competição durante meio ano e eis que ultrapassadas as dificuldades, estão agora à sua disposição, neste leilão, neste nosso segundo leilão.
Licitar qualquer um destes pombos, é uma aposta ganha!

Para mais informações acerca das classificações obtidas por cada pombo pode consultar


Na secção "Notícias" pode encontrar informações acerca dos transportes internacionais.


Almost two weeks before starting to receive pigeons for the 2021 edition, we can categorically say that the Moledo Yearlings Championship already has a special place on the international scene, because the meteorological and geographical adversities that these young pigeons have to overcome, surely make them as much more than average pigeons..

They made thousands of Kms, they were in competition for half an year and behold, once the difficulties were overcome, they are now at your disposal in this auction, in this second auction we are doing.

Bidding on any of these pigeons is a winning bet!

For more information about the classifications of each pigeon you can consult:


In the "News" section you can find information about international transport.

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Vale de Correio / Post mail ch

Auction started: Aug. 04 2020, 01:00

Auction ended: Aug. 08 2020, 20:29

Auction ID: 532b5dacfa0a285c2463f80227affc43

Item category : Public

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
MAESTRO 120,00 08-08-2020, 21:24:46no85.245.196.242
Napiorkowski 105,00 08-08-2020, 21:23:45no37.47.36.201
MAESTRO 100,00 08-07-2020, 22:17:04no85.245.196.242
JFrancisco 80,00 08-07-2020, 18:47:15no89.155.232.104
MAESTRO 75,00 08-06-2020, 22:58:13no85.245.196.242
JFrancisco 55,00 08-06-2020, 22:17:38no89.155.232.104
MARIO PINTO 50,00 08-04-2020, 14:00:49no2.80.114.161