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Moledo Pigeons Races - TH 05701 - Team Dr. Teerachon - TEC

This item has been viewed 990 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

Higher bidder:

Branquinho (0)

Auction type :

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
pedrojr01-30-2021, 23:26:09 65,00 €
Branquinho01-30-2021, 14:49:55 60,00 €
pedrojr01-30-2021, 14:07:46 55,00 €
Branquinho01-29-2021, 21:16:19 50,00 €
pedrojr01-28-2021, 20:38:59 45,00 €
Sagres01-28-2021, 12:32:33 40,00 €
pombinha01-27-2021, 17:02:10 30,00 €
AMPAMP01-27-2021, 09:52:15 25,00 €
Item description

Online, quase 2 dezenas de pombos que participaram em provas de Moledo Pigeons Races. Uns já estiveram em leilão e não foram pagos, outros apareceram mais tarde, outros foram comunicados e alguns não foram vendidos da primeira vez.

Escusado será dizer que são pombos com grande potencial pois os proprietários apostaram neles para ganhar.

Online, almost two dozen pigeons that participated in Moledo Pigeons Races events. Some have already been on auction and have not been paid, others have appeared later, others have been reported and some have not been sold the first time.

It goes without saying that they are pigeons with great potential because the owners bet on them to win.

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Transferência Bancária / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail charge

Auction started: Jan. 26 2021, 23:59

Auction ended: Feb. 02 2021, 22:12

Auction ID: b78b30c7c7ab06d226c2d1b36257d83c

Item category : Colectividades

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
Branquinho 210,00 02-02-2021, 22:07:54no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 205,00 02-02-2021, 22:05:27no87.103.61.207
Branquinho 200,00 02-02-2021, 22:03:14no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 195,00 02-02-2021, 22:01:56no87.103.61.207
Branquinho 190,00 02-02-2021, 22:01:21no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 180,00 02-02-2021, 21:59:52no87.103.61.207
Branquinho 170,00 02-02-2021, 21:59:22no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 165,00 02-02-2021, 21:57:17no87.103.61.207
Branquinho 160,00 02-02-2021, 21:54:45no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 150,00 02-02-2021, 21:51:26no188.80.133.248
Branquinho 145,00 02-02-2021, 21:50:45no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 140,00 02-02-2021, 21:48:04no188.80.133.248
Branquinho 135,00 02-02-2021, 21:46:39no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 125,00 02-02-2021, 21:45:29no188.80.133.248
Branquinho 120,00 02-02-2021, 21:43:30no188.251.158.110
fabiosilva 105,00 02-02-2021, 21:42:36no188.80.133.248
Branquinho 100,00 02-02-2021, 21:38:03no188.251.158.110
1MAMSR1 85,00 02-02-2021, 21:36:15no89.155.232.104
Branquinho 80,00 02-02-2021, 21:33:34no188.251.158.110
1MAMSR1 75,00 02-02-2021, 21:29:22no89.155.232.104
Branquinho 70,00 01-31-2021, 14:32:56no87.103.58.115
pedrojr 65,00 01-30-2021, 23:26:09no148.71.106.115
Branquinho 60,00 01-30-2021, 14:49:55no188.251.158.110
pedrojr 55,00 01-30-2021, 14:07:46no78.130.0.245
Branquinho 50,00 01-29-2021, 21:16:19no148.69.15.227
pedrojr 45,00 01-28-2021, 20:38:59no148.69.30.251
Sagres 40,00 01-28-2021, 12:32:33no165.225.92.167
pombinha 30,00 01-27-2021, 17:02:10no62.28.216.42
AMPAMP 25,00 01-27-2021, 09:52:15no92.250.6.163