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Moledo Atlantic Coast 19 - PT-9400321-19 - Cesario & Abilio Pereira - 135. Final

This item has been viewed 835 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
ruilucio10-20-2019, 20:14:19 85,00 €
GRELÃO10-20-2019, 20:14:13 80,00 €
ruilucio10-20-2019, 18:51:13 75,00 €
np197410-20-2019, 16:47:04 70,00 €
pestana10-19-2019, 20:48:56 65,00 €
Sagres10-18-2019, 13:38:59 60,00 €
Caba5810-17-2019, 22:14:15 55,00 €
Branquinho10-16-2019, 23:14:48 50,00 €
Item description

O Derby de Moledo Atlantic Coast tem-se afirmado mundialmente como um dos mais duros do mundo. Na verdade, as velocidades médias de cada prova assim o atestam onde poucas foram aquelas que ultrapassaram os 1000 m/m.
A final de 500 kms foi até das mais rápidas com 1197 m/m, mas antes disso as provas altamente selectivas ditaram que só os melhores chegaram ao fim.

Uma excelente oportunidade de procurar pombos seleccionados pela dureza das provas!


Moledo Atlantic Coast Derby has been claimed worldwide as one of the toughest in the
world. In fact, the average speeds of each race attest to this, where few races have exceeded 1000 m / m.

The 500 kms final was even the fastest at 1197 m / m, but before that the highly selective races dictated that only the best came to an end.

A great opportunity to look for pigeons selected by hardness and strenght!

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Transferência Bancária / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail ch

Auction started: Oct. 16 2019, 22:00

Auction ended: Oct. 20 2019, 21:03

Auction ID: d609cc7e1ede5d982f6f81b4e2a0dc41

Item category : Colectividades

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
AMPAMP 205,00 10-20-2019, 21:58:10no92.250.62.128
GRELÃO 200,00 10-20-2019, 21:56:20no89.155.229.134
AMPAMP 185,00 10-20-2019, 21:54:53no92.250.62.128
GRELÃO 180,00 10-20-2019, 21:51:32no89.155.229.134
AMPAMP 175,00 10-20-2019, 21:49:50no92.250.62.128
GRELÃO 170,00 10-20-2019, 21:47:07no89.155.229.134
AMPAMP 165,00 10-20-2019, 21:45:52no92.250.62.128
GRELÃO 160,00 10-20-2019, 21:41:53no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 155,00 10-20-2019, 21:40:07no46.9.239.190
GRELÃO 150,00 10-20-2019, 21:36:35no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 145,00 10-20-2019, 21:34:11yessystem
Branquinho 140,00 10-20-2019, 21:34:05no149.90.19.111
ruilucio 135,00 10-20-2019, 21:26:10no46.9.239.190
vitorfrota 130,00 10-20-2019, 21:26:03no81.193.237.241
ruilucio 125,00 10-20-2019, 21:24:23yessystem
vitorfrota 120,00 10-20-2019, 21:24:17no81.193.237.241
ruilucio 115,00 10-20-2019, 21:22:31no46.9.239.190
GRELÃO 110,00 10-20-2019, 20:29:11no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 105,00 10-20-2019, 20:23:46yessystem
GRELÃO 100,00 10-20-2019, 20:23:40no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 95,00 10-20-2019, 20:17:10yessystem
GRELÃO 90,00 10-20-2019, 20:17:05no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 85,00 10-20-2019, 20:14:19yessystem
GRELÃO 80,00 10-20-2019, 20:14:13no89.155.229.134
ruilucio 75,00 10-20-2019, 18:51:13no46.9.239.190
np1974 70,00 10-20-2019, 16:47:04no188.81.32.249
pestana 65,00 10-19-2019, 20:48:56no85.247.115.227
Sagres 60,00 10-18-2019, 13:38:59no165.225.92.176
Caba58 55,00 10-17-2019, 22:14:15no62.151.147.117
Branquinho 50,00 10-16-2019, 23:14:48no148.69.15.247