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Moledo Yearlings Championship - BE 6241510-18 Van Damme-Weyns A

This item has been viewed 840 times

Seller :

tpp-auctions ()

Higher bidder:

guenterm (0)

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This auction is closed 5,00

Last Bidders

BidderDate and hourBid
3ANILHAS06-27-2019, 15:39:40 95,00 €
Branquinho06-27-2019, 09:30:38 90,00 €
3ANILHAS06-27-2019, 05:51:34 85,00 €
Branquinho06-26-2019, 22:52:08 80,00 €
3ANILHAS06-26-2019, 18:18:20 75,00 €
pestana06-26-2019, 14:15:35 70,00 €
Branquinho06-26-2019, 11:06:03 55,00 €
SP198506-26-2019, 00:35:32 50,00 €
Item description


Já a pensar na próxima edição, podemos agora afirmar que esta segundo ano provou que o projecto “Moledo Yearlings Championship” tem tudo para se afirmar no panorama internacional. A verdade é que poucos campeonatos de Yearlings conseguiram tantos efectivos e poucos tiveram esta notoriedade.
Todos os pombos que agora estão em leilão têm de ter grande valor, pois chegaram ao fim de uma jornada que os levou a fazer milhares de Kms, contra muitas adversidades, especialmente meteorológicas e geográficas.
Adquirir um Yearling de Moledo será, com certeza, uma aposta certa!

Para mais informações acerca dos prémios obtidos por cada pombo, pode consultar o site:

Already thinking on the next edition, one now can say that this second year has proved that the project “Moledo Yearlings Championship” has everything for occupying an international top position. What is true is that few yearlings championships had gathered such number of pigeons and had this visibility!
All Pigeons that are now being auctioned have surely top quality cause they came to an end of an huge journey, doing thousands of kms and overpassing many dificulties , especially meteorological and geographic ones.
Bidding on a Moledo Yearling will surely be the right bet!

For more information about the prizes won by a pigeon, please check:

Check the item “News” for informations about transports or contact us.

Country: Portugal (00000)

Shipping conditions: Buyers pays shipping expenses , Will ship internationally

Payment methods: Cheque / Cheque,Transferncia Bancria / Bank ,Vale de Correio / Post mail ch

Auction started: Jun. 25 2019, 22:30

Auction ended: Jul. 01 2019, 20:42

Auction ID: ddfca8c096527cbe3251c75116bfc5fe

Item category : Colectividades

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Bidder Bid Date and hour Proxy Bid Bidder IP Quantity
guenterm 140,00 07-01-2019, 21:37:55yessystem
3ANILHAS 135,00 07-01-2019, 21:37:50no79.169.52.211
guenterm 130,00 07-01-2019, 21:34:48yessystem
3ANILHAS 125,00 07-01-2019, 21:34:43no79.169.52.211
guenterm 120,00 07-01-2019, 21:31:40no84.157.159.97
Branquinho 115,00 07-01-2019, 21:28:53no148.69.15.236
guenterm 110,00 07-01-2019, 21:25:10no84.157.159.97
3ANILHAS 105,00 06-28-2019, 07:51:07no79.169.52.211
Branquinho 100,00 06-27-2019, 15:39:46yessystem
3ANILHAS 95,00 06-27-2019, 15:39:40no79.169.52.211
Branquinho 90,00 06-27-2019, 09:30:38no148.69.10.94
3ANILHAS 85,00 06-27-2019, 05:51:34no79.169.52.211
Branquinho 80,00 06-26-2019, 22:52:08no148.69.9.195
3ANILHAS 75,00 06-26-2019, 18:18:20no79.169.52.211
pestana 70,00 06-26-2019, 14:15:35no193.236.78.128
Branquinho 55,00 06-26-2019, 11:06:03no148.69.9.195
SP1985 50,00 06-26-2019, 00:35:32no92.250.46.134